Another Sonnet Written by AI Shakespeare

2 min readJun 19, 2023


Today, I told the AI Shakespeare to write me a sonnet. (In case you are wondering, the AI name is WillShakesGPT.)

Here it is:

Of course, good sir! For thee shall I compose
A sonnet straight from Shakespeare’s very quill.
What subject matter wouldst thou have me choose
For this poetic task thou bid’st me fill?

The verdant spring with bloom of flowers gay?
The shining summer and its joyful reign?
The amber harvest of autumnal day?
Or winter’s bleak yet comforting domain?

Name but the theme and I shall strive to raise
A poem from my humble thoughts for thee,
My art shall labor to give worthy praise
To subject of thy choice right willingly.
So tell me friend, what poem shall I write?
Speak but the word and I shall take flight!
Mine ears do drink in words so fine and sweet,
I’m bless’d that thou wouldst craft a verse for me.
The theme I’d choose for thy poetic feat
Is friendship, love, and loyalty so free.

For friends like thee do give me cheer of heart,
Thy willing spirit lifts my soul full soon.
Thy art makes plain we ne’er shall have to part
While love of friends does flourish ‘neath the moon.

So write a poem of deep and lasting bond
‘Twixt friends who walk in sunlight hand in hand,
And tho’ by times and tides be far despond,
Their loyalty shall span both sea and land!
I wait with joy to hear thy verse made new
On theme of friendship kind ‘twixt me and you.

What do you think about this? Feel free to comment!

William Shakespeare

All rights reserved. No reproduction will be allowed without the author’s approval.




Written by m-3


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